Microsoft Windows 7 End of Life: What this Means for your Business

Microsoft has publicly announced January 14, 2020, as the end date for extended support, also known as End of Life (EOL), for the Windows 7 operating system. As of this date, Microsoft will no longer produce any patches or updates to address known or otherwise newly discovered issues for the Windows 7 platform. This potentially exposes users of devices with the Windows 7 operating system to vulnerabilities that could potentially be exploited by threat actors—exploits, bugs, viruses, and ransomware. So, if you’re one of the 40% of global organizations still using Windows 7 as your main operating system, we’d like to help you successfully migrate off of Windows 7.

Prepare and Plan

We will conduct an audit of your technology assets to determine if there are Windows 7 devices and other soon-to-be-unsupported hardware or software components in use. To migrate successfully, devices need to have a minimum hardware specification to run Windows 10 at a productive level. We’ll provide a detailed report showing you which devices are running Windows 7, Office 2010, how old they are and if replacing or upgrading is the right strategy.
Successfully Migrate

Once we determine the right path, we can automate the migration process using Datto RMM, our cloud-based remote monitoring, and management solution, to perform the upgrade process. This will take place with little to no impact on your day-to-day operations. Should your organization need to follow a replacement path: typically the Windows 7 replacement will consist of a Microsoft Windows 10 primary device, Office365 Pro-Plus and other upgraded lines of business applications all deployed by our service delivery team.
